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New Year, New Announcements!

 Heya to all my amazing fans and soon-to-be readers! I hope 2023 was as amazing and eventful (but hopefully not as tragic in some places) as it was for me! What a year it was--almost winning my first NaNoWriMo, getting my first job, quitting my first job, making two of the greatest writing/animating friends ever, the death of two beloved pets... and the birth of one amazing middle-grade series! I'm finalizing The Squad right now, but while that's going on behind the scenes, I have some big things coming in 2024.

First off, my YOUTUBE CHANNEL! As you may have seen in a couple posts here, I'm an animator, and I've been doing a lot more animations and improving drastically these past months. Since my animations are mainly series teasers and prologue animatics, what better way to show the world visual sneak-peeks of The Squad than to create a YouTube channel where I can post these videos? Not to mention, there will be some special videos of yours truly discussing the series, characters, and more!

My YouTube channel, @rachelkeithbooks, has gone live TODAY! (January 1, 2024) I am so excited, and already a couple official teasers are uploaded. I would love for you to check out the videos and my channel, and please subscribe so you don't miss out on epic series-related videos. You or the young readers in your life will hopefully be thrilled by them!

Second, my EMAIL LIST! Here, you'll find a "Sign Up" page where you enter your email and subscribe (for free, and without any loss of personal information!) to my newsletter. It's officially monthly, so now you can get direct updates every month about the series' progress and the like! Also, an exclusive sneak preview of Book 1: Freedom Rings is now available only to newsletter subscribers, so subscribe and get your sneak preview to see if The Squad is the series for you or your young readers.

Third, my OFFICIAL WEBSITE! That's right, I'm not settling for a (nice) blog anymore! In a few weeks to a month, I will have an official live website, Rachel Keith Books. Subscribe to my newsletter so you can be notified at the end of January when that website is up!

Well, in the words of Aunt Edith in Crooked House, "Always leave a party at its height, when you're most enjoying it." I'll leave you with these exciting announcements for 2024, and I hope you're as eager as I am. And please, do subscribe to my newsletter and YouTube channel--there is no cost of any kind for either, and I am ready to bring my story through them to you or the young readers in your life.

 God bless 2024!

~Rachel :)