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"The Squad" Official Series Story Teaser

Well, here it is, ladies and gentlemen! I am proud to present the first of many fun animated videos of my upcoming middle-grade Christian fantasy/sci-fi book series, The Squad!

This video, an animated teaser for The Squad, took about one week to draw, sequence, and edit. All of the animation is done by me, and it's actually my first attempt at animating on this scale (as is evident compared to later animations, but still not too bad!)

This is a story teaser, showing bits of the characters but also a chunk of story-related incidences. More trailers will come soon revolving more around the characters and such!


I hope you enjoy it, and stay tuned to my blog for more fun animated videos and artwork of the series! In early 2024, I will be creating my own YouTube channel, where I will release all trailers plus prologue animatics!

Also, be sure to check out my other posts for similar art projects and videos I've done related to The Squad series! And I encourage you to subscribe on the Signup page to my newsletter--it's monthly, completely free, and I don't share any information whatsoever. And the best part? I'M SENDING OUT A FREE SNEAK PREVIEW TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS IN DECEMBER 2023! That's right, a sneak preview of the first few chapters of Book 1 for The Squad series, straight to you, exclusive to subscribers, coming this December! (Read more in my "Awesome Announcement" post!)